Monday, May 08, 2006

He's Smitten

Hi everyone,

I can honestly say that Neil is completly smitten with me, and I with him. I can say this without a ounce of hesitation as it was a close friend of ours, who we ironically only met a couple weeks ago (you know who you are, tee hee) who said to me that his face lights up everytime he even mentions my name and that there is so much love and chemistry between us that it can't be hidden.

It is so awesome to have my relationship to be this loving and fun, especially considering where it was at in January and for the few months before. There were more than a few people who thought I was crazy for sticking it out in the crisis that was my life then, but now it's worth it. Everything has changed and everything is great. He thanks me all the time for staying with him.
Neil has grown into such an amazing MAN; I say man because he made the decision to grow up, he even packed up all the lego and action figures and traded them in for the more adult toys and sports such as Kayaking, hikeing and snowboarding. I love it!!!

So I just wanted to brag about how good things have gotten and how happy we are. I know there will be a few setbacks here and there, but they won't be as big now as they were before as our lives have done a complete 180.

My hope is that everyone out there feels even half as loved as I do, it's a wonderful feeling.



Mistify said...

ohh i am happy for you... i have found the same and it is amazing

E said...

I'm glad you found happiness too, isn't it awesome.